The meeting program is developing and the Music and Theatre Library of Sweden and the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts are happy to share our plans for the meeting: there will be good opportunities for exchange of experience, participation in planning for future network activities, opportunity for study visits and viewing of two exciting exhibitions.

Draft program NCTD 2025.pdf

Don't miss any upcoming information about the meeting! Preregister now, without obligation, to By March, at the latest, we will send you the final program with more information and registration to the meeting.

Med vänliga hälsningar/With kind regards,

Musik- och teaterbiblioteket/The Music and Theatre Library of Sweden
Lena Gustafsson, Rikard Larsson-Eng, Virve Polsa, Kajsa Sandström

Scenkonstmuseet/The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts
Malin Karlsson

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